Security Playbook in Azure Security Center

Keeping your cloud-based IT infrastructure secure is a constant effort. The people who want access to your data are always working on ways they can get in, so both you and Microsoft need to be working on ways to keep them out. Microsoft is aware of this responsibility, and since you are reading this blog I assume you are as well.

Security Playbooks in Azure Security Center are a new preview tool in your Azure tenant to assist with the task of keeping your data secure. Security Playbooks can help automate your response to specific security alerts as they are detected by Security Center. There are templates available, or you can create your own Playbook from scratch. Playbooks use Azure Logic Apps, so charges for that service do apply.

In this blog post, we’re going to look at the features and functionality available in the preview of Security Playbooks. We will step through setting up a playbook, and we’ll see what playbooks have to offer.