My sessions at Exchange Connections conference

As Tony Redmond recently posted on his blog, the sessions for the Exchange Connections conference in Las Vegas have been set for this fall. I was honored to find out that my session submissions were accepted.

My two sessions are titled; “Identity and Authentication Management for Office 365”, and “Performance Counters You Never Knew and Why they are Important”

Even though the conference is a little over four months away, I am starting to work on my sessions now. To that end, if you have any questions that would fit into either session, please email them to me at

Strong speaker line-up for Exchange Connections 2014 | Tony Redmond's Exchange Unwashed Blog

Datacenter Activation Coordination

This might be a controversial statement, but I kind of think it is too easy to setup database availability groups in Exchange 2010 and later. It’s not that I would want DAGs to be harder to setup, it’s just that the ease with which one can setup a basic DAG allows too many people to stop there and not work on really understanding the deeper features and configurations of high availability for mailboxes. With that in mind, I want to cover what I think might be the least understood DAG configuration feature, DAC.

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Setting up 2 factor authentication for Office 365

Recently Microsoft has enabled 2 factor authentication for all Enterprise Office 365 tenants at no additional cost. Their offering is based on PhoneFactor’s 2 factor authentication system, a company Microsoft bought a couple of years ago. Setting this feature up for Office 365 accounts is fairly easy, but there are a couple of “tricky” parts that could use a bit of clarification so I thought I would run through the process for you here.

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Notes from MEC: Exchange Multi-Org Hybrid

I’m going to do a series of blog posts going over some of the things we learned at the Microsoft Exchange Conference this year. For me, the number one thing I got from MEC was Microsoft’s announcement that they now support Multi-Org Hybrid deployments done by civilians (non MCS/ACS deployments). By “Multi-Org Hybrid” we mean connecting multiple Exchange on-premises organizations to the same Office 365 tenant. I’ve had several customers asking for this deployment for years now, so it is a great boon for me to be able to do these deployments now.

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New features in ADFS 3.0

With the release of Server 2012 R2, we now have a new version of ADFS that we can use for single sign on to Office 365 tenants. Of course the first question I had was “What does the new version of ADFS do that the old one does not?” I would say that the biggest new feature in ADFS 3.0 is a simple PowerShell based set of command that allow organizations to customize their ADFS log-in page. Let’s take a look at the new features of ADFS 3.0, and then we’ll take a closer look at how to customize your ADFS webpages.

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Azure is making my gaming awesome too?

Even now, with my 40th birthday behind me, I spend a fair amount of my free time playing video games. Videos games have been a pretty consistent part of my life for 30 some years, and I expect this to remain the case for most of the next 40 years too. Normally I reserve this space for my professional interests; things like Exchange, Office 365, Active Directory, and Azure. However, today I figured out that my professional interests have intersected with my personal video game interest so I thought this would be a good excuse to bring video gaming into this blog. It turns out that Windows Azure is a key component in making the new video game “Titanfall” work.

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After a long hiatus, the Microsoft Exchange Conference returned about a year and a half ago. Now it seems that Microsoft intends to make MEC (as well and the Lync and SharePoint conferences) a regular thing. I will be heading to Austin TX in a couple of weeks to participate.

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