Secure and Extend Your AD Environments: Starling CertAccess + Active Roles

Date: Wednesday, July 21st at 11am PDT / 2pm EDT

View this webcast from IAM Security analyst experts to hear the top considerations and pitfalls to avoid when determining your IAM Active Directory (AD) security and management strategy. Learn how leading organizations are building out their strategy to up-level their hybrid AD management and security, password management, access control and monitoring in a modern, cloud-based approach.

Now companies have an affordable path to implement cloud-based capabilities with Starling CertAccess that closes security gaps by extending the capabilities of One Identity Active Roles (on-prem and On Demand) to deliver Access Request and Access Certification across your enterprise. Users can request access to the resources they need to do their job on a daily basis as well as request temporary permission to additional resources for special projects or tasks. Then you can be sure that your users have the access they need and you get automated certification processes to help prove compliance