Office 365 user groups are the new thing, so I figure the good people of Portland need to get in on this trend. I’ve started working on organizing a quarterly meeting of the Portland Office 365 user group, and I’m here today to announce my plans and ask for your assistance and participation.
I am in the very early stages of setting up this group, but it is my hope to have our first meeting in late October or maybe early November. Beyond that, however, I do not have a lot of solid information to give you. I can tell you I’ve been talking to the organizers of similar Office 365 user groups in Phoenix and Austin, and we should be able to setup presentations for a good range of MCM/MCSMs and MVPs from Exchange, Lync and SharePoint backgrounds. My hope is to be able to have two speakers for each meeting presenting some top level content diving into Office 365 topics.
If you’d like to help out in anyway, feel free to reach out to me at and we can talk. I’ve also created a MeetUp at