The new phonebook is here!
OK maybe you don’t need to be that excited about this version of my Get-EDSData script. I have just completed rewriting this script to work off a CSV file instead of using parameters for input. This means that you can create a csv file with a list of as many performance counters as you’d like and then run Get-EDSData against that csv file to find out if those performance counters went over the thresholds you sent during the period of time you have Daily Performance Logs on your Exchange 2013 server.
Since it is Friday afternoon, I have beer in my fridge, and I want to go see “Guardians of the Galaxy” I am not going to go through each line of the script and explain what it does. If you miss that detail from the other two posts I wrote about Get-EDSData, let me know in the comments and I’ll put up a post covering that someday.
For today, I’ll say download the script and try it out. Here is how it works...
Create a csv file listing the counters you want to test. The columns for your csv file should be as follows
EX01,Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time,75,1,0
EX01,Processor(_Total)\% Privileged Time,75,1,0
For over and under, 1 means test for this counter against the threshold and 0 means not to test. So a 1 in the over column means to test against that counter going over. You can test a single counter for over and under if you want, but why would you?
To run the script…
Run .\Get-EDSData –File .\test.csv
The output from this script is twofold. First you get a results.txt file that looks like this
Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time went over the threshold you set 14 times.
Processor(_Total)\% Privileged Time did not go over the threshold you set.
Then for each counter you get a WorkingSet.blg file that you can open with performance monitor to show you the entire history of that counter from your Daily Performance Logs.
Give it a shot, and let me know what you think.