PowerShell script: Activate-SyncedPasswords

In June of 2013, Microsoft released an update to the DirSync appliance that allowed it to sync passwords from an on-premises Active Directory into Azure Active Directory for use in authentication. Since then, Microsoft has also released AADSync, which is a more advance version of DirSync that allows for more complex on-premises Active Directory configurations to be connected to Azure Active Directory. Recently AADSync was updated to include the password sync feature.

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PowerShell script: Get-UsersPerDB

I’m working on an Exchange migration project. I did a green field Exchange 2013 deployment to migrate users to from a hosted solution. During the process I created about 3200 new mailboxes, and I must have done something wrong because those mailboxes ended up all clumped up in a couple of the databases. The problem I ran into is there is no good way to see your mailbox distribution across a number of databases in the Exchange Admin Console.

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Users unable to delete public folder items after public folder migration to Exchange 2013

I recent ran across a case where a customer had recently migrated to Exchange 2013. As one of the final steps in the migration, they migrated their public folders to modern public folders on Exchange 2013. After the public folder migration was complete, the users were unable to delete or modify pre-existing public folder items even though they appeared to have the correct permissions

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Get-EDSData v3

The new phonebook is here!

OK maybe you don’t need to be that excited about this version of my Get-EDSData script. I have just completed rewriting this script to work off a CSV file instead of using parameters for input. This means that you can create a csv file with a list of as many performance counters as you’d like and then run Get-EDSData against that csv file to find out if those performance counters went over the thresholds you sent during the period of time you have Daily Performance Logs on your Exchange 2013 server.

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The Get-EDSData project

If you saw my blog post last week on Pulling performance counter data from daily performance logs you now know, as I do, that Exchange 2013 records a ton of performance data on your Exchange server by default. I was recently out on a walk, where I do some of my best thinking, trying to come up with a way to make use of all that data. Thusly was the Get-EDSData project was born. I am by no means a PowerShell expert. I’m not quite a PowerShell novice, but honestly I am probably closer to being a novice than an expert.

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Virtualizing Exchange 2013

Server virtualization is a very common trend in almost all corporate data centers. In many cases virtualization provides a lot of benefits. Today I am going to talk about why virtualization is almost never the best option for Exchange 2013. I’ll address several aspects; supportability, hardware utilization, economy, and high availability.

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