New Exchange Online migration options

Microsoft is constantly updating and improving services; it’s a hallmark of Office 365. The constant Office 365 updates are great for me, providing new content and tips to share with you on a regular basis.

The Microsoft Exchange team recently made significant improvements in moving on-premises email from Exchange to Exchange Online. Here’s a breakdown of the new Exchange migration options for Office 365.

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What does “the end of mainstream support” mean?

Recently Exchange 2010 reached the end of mainstream support. Depending on how much you like click bait websites, you may have heard (or imagined as most certainly happened with some bloggers) all kinds of different things that might mean. Well never fear citizen. I am here to explain what that means for you, and just what you should do about it.

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PowerShell script: Activate-SyncedPasswords

In June of 2013, Microsoft released an update to the DirSync appliance that allowed it to sync passwords from an on-premises Active Directory into Azure Active Directory for use in authentication. Since then, Microsoft has also released AADSync, which is a more advance version of DirSync that allows for more complex on-premises Active Directory configurations to be connected to Azure Active Directory. Recently AADSync was updated to include the password sync feature.

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PowerShell script: Get-UsersPerDB

I’m working on an Exchange migration project. I did a green field Exchange 2013 deployment to migrate users to from a hosted solution. During the process I created about 3200 new mailboxes, and I must have done something wrong because those mailboxes ended up all clumped up in a couple of the databases. The problem I ran into is there is no good way to see your mailbox distribution across a number of databases in the Exchange Admin Console.

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Quickly Get the Data You Need for Troubleshooting Exchange Server 2013 Problems

Historically, gathering performance data when troubleshooting Microsoft Exchange Server wasn't much fun. You had to figure out what performance counters you wanted to use, then set up Performance Monitor to gather data for several days before you could do any troubleshooting. Thanks to a new diagnostic feature in Exchange Server 2013, that's no longer the case.

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