Office 365 Hold Your Own Key

Encryption is hard. There is really no way around that fact.

One of the great benefits of Office 365, or any cloud product, is that these complex solutions are deployed and maintained for you by those who are best qualified to make them work. The downside to having someone else deploy and run your IT solutions is the lack of control you have over your information. You don’t really know who has access to your information when you’re moving it to the cloud.

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Office 365 Security & Compliance Center – Part 2

Office 365 is a collection of online services that allow organizations to use Exchange, Skype for Business, and SharePoint in the cloud. In the nearly five years that Office 365 has been available most of the organizations using Office 365 have used it just like that; for Exchange or Skype for Business or SharePoint in the cloud. Some organizations are using more than one of those services, but for the most part they are still using them separately.

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Enabling DKIM in Exchange Online

Spam is the bane of all messaging administrators, as well as a major pain for all email users. Using email means a consistent battle against spam, malware, and unwanted nonsense flooding your inbox. There are a number of different tools and tactics we, as administrators, can use to reduce the impact of these attacks and recently Microsoft has added another one to the toolboxes of Office 365 customers. In this blog post I'm going to explain what DKIM is, and how you can use it to help make the world a safer place for legitimate email messages.

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What does “the end of mainstream support” mean?

Recently Exchange 2010 reached the end of mainstream support. Depending on how much you like click bait websites, you may have heard (or imagined as most certainly happened with some bloggers) all kinds of different things that might mean. Well never fear citizen. I am here to explain what that means for you, and just what you should do about it.

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Password Management

Today I am going to move a bit off of my normal topic of Exchange and Office 365. I don’t think this topic is going to be too far afield, but fair warning none the less. In this post I am going to talk about password management, and a nifty new tool that I think makes the somewhat cumbersome task a bit easier and more secure.

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