Deploying Office Online Server for Exchange 2016 – Part 1

One of the new features of Exchange 2016 is the inclusion of “Modern Attachments”. Modern Attachments are not attachments at all, but links to Office documents that are stored within SharePoint sites but presented to look like attachments within email messages. Modern Attachments are a great step forward in that they allow users to continue to use attachments in the way they are used to while removing those files from your Exchange 2016 servers.

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Fort Knox: Office 365 encrypted file storage

In Mid-2014 Microsoft introduced a new encryption technology to Office 365 that they code named “Fort Knox”.  Fort Knox is a blob encryption technology that is applied to SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business, and as I am primarily an Exchange guy I was not really aware of Fort Knox until recently. After taking a look at this technology, I think it is a pretty nifty bit of security that Office 365 customers, and potential Office 365 customers, should know about.

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