I have spent most of the last six years of my professional life configuring Exchange hybrid deployments for organizations looking to move their email into Office 365. Speaking from the perspective of someone who has set it up repeatedly, Exchange hybrid is straight forward. You take your on-premises Exchange organization’s and run the Hybrid Connectivity Wizard (HCW) to connect to Office 365. I suppose there is more to it than that, but this blog post is not the place to go into those details.
In this blog post, I want to talk about the hybrid options for Skype for Business. Hybrid for Skype for Business is a much newer offering from Microsoft, and in my opinion (as someone who has not set it up for hundreds of customers) much more complex.
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The cloud! We get it. Specialization has been the way of the world since the industrial revolution, and IT isn't immune from that trend.
The financial model makes sense for software companies and their customers. The support model makes sense for IT departments. Cloud makes sense for everyone…except when it doesn’t.
The problem with "all cloud all the time" is some things must remain on-premises. If you are a regular reader, you've figured out that I have a love-hate relationship with the cloud. There is a lot of upside to moving some workloads into cloud services. I’m also a firm believer that the cloud has considerable downsides.
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It's safe to assume if you're reading this you're very aware of "the cloud." Unless you've been under a rock for the last five or six years, you know Microsoft has gone all in on their cloud services. You've heard a thousand reasons why you should move your organization’s IT services to the cloud. But that doesn't mean every organization should. Here are some reasons not to move to the cloud.
I should start off by saying I’m not against Office 365. It's a great service that fills a need. I’ve personally migrated hundreds of organizations and millions of people into Office 365, and I expect to continue that for years to come.
It’s also not uncommon for me to talk to customers who have already decided they are moving into Office 365, but their organizational requirements are completely incompatible with Office 365. It’s important to take an honest look at cloud solutions like Office 365 and make an informed decision if it's the right solution for your needs.
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