Changing user logon domain in Office 365

When syncing your users to your Office 365 tenant via DirSync there are a number of reason that their login ID and primary SMTP address can end up being set to Maybe you started DirSync before the domain was accepted in Office 365, or maybe your users UPNs are set to something other than the domain name you want to use as their primary SMTP address. Whatever the reason, once users are synced and end up with the wrong login ID, it can be a pain to change them especially for a large number of users. One way to fix that problem is with the following PowerShell command run after you connect to Azure AD via the Azure AD module.

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Azure Active Directory Synchronization Services (AAD Sync) now available

While Microsoft has designed Office 365 and Exchange Online to support all kinds of organizations, until today there has still been a big hole in the offering for organizations that have multiple on-premises Active Directory forests. With the release of Azure Active Directory Synchronization Services Microsoft has now filled that hole and made it possible for many more organizations to make the move to Office 365.

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Azure Active Directory Connect: Solving a problem or adding to one?

Enterprise deployments are complicated. When you add “cloud” services to enterprise deployments, they become much more complicated. I think we can consider those two statements axiomatic at this point. If we want to add a third axiom to the list, saying that people want simple solutions would fit the bill. Microsoft knows all three of these things, and bless their little hearts they really do try to make things as simple as they can. I have no doubt what-so-ever that their hearts are in the right place, but sometimes that is not enough.

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Get-EDSData v3

The new phonebook is here!

OK maybe you don’t need to be that excited about this version of my Get-EDSData script. I have just completed rewriting this script to work off a CSV file instead of using parameters for input. This means that you can create a csv file with a list of as many performance counters as you’d like and then run Get-EDSData against that csv file to find out if those performance counters went over the thresholds you sent during the period of time you have Daily Performance Logs on your Exchange 2013 server.

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